NOTE: I you're looking for links to official sources, see here.
If you want to study 2 CFR 200 in great detail, or if you have already studied it and want a version that’s easy to navigate, you should try my study guide. This is a copy of the regulation as published in the CFR, but formatted and hyperlinked extensively in Word, and then converted to PDF format.
I find the resulting document both easy to read and easy to navigate. Maybe you will too.
For links to background on evolution of this regulation, follow the link above.
This is NOT the official text of the regulation. To get that, you must download a copy from the GPO’s FDSys website or use the e-CFR.
This study guide is current as of 07 JUL 2021.
Once again (and as noted in the header of each page of the guide), this is NOT the official version of the regulation. Use this tool to find the reference you need, but use a current, official USG version as the source for any citation you make.
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